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Pre-Summit Webinar

Equipping African nonprofit organizations with the knowledge and tools they need to leverage digital technologies to advance their social causes

Saturday, June 17 at 7pm WAT

Leveraging Linkedin As A Nonprofit Leader

Learn how Funmilayo has built a personal brand on Linkedin with over 50k followers and attracting support for her nonprofit

friday, June 23 at 7pm WAT


How To Identify & Position For Opportunities

Learn how Grace has gotten numerous international opportunities and the strategies she has used to go global with her work and brand

saturday, July 8 at 6pm WAT


Podcasting for Nonprofits: Leveraging the Power of Audio For storytelling

Bidemi will be sharing practical ways in which you can leverage podcasting as a non-profit and share tested strategies for using podcasting for storytelling

Wednesday, July 26th at 7pm WAT


Leveraging AI For Your Nonprofit

Learn how we use AI to make work faster and easier at Hexa Media including over 50 AI tools that can help you for FREE

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5 hours of
Impactful Sessions
With Seasoned Leaders.
100% Hybrid!

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